23rd APS

Proceedings book

23rd APS

The proceedings book is now available for order ($18.80 plus shipping). Low cost of the book is the result of the fact, that the book production was subsidized by the American Peptide Society and therefore you can purchase it for the cost of printing. Books are made by so called "print on demand" process by Lulu.com. We used the same process in the past and realized that majority of scientists prefer paperback copies of the proceedings book. Actually, only 5 copies of hard bound book of the 22nd APS were sold. Therefore, here is the link for the paperback version of Proceedings of the 23rd American Peptide Symposium. For the copy of the hardbound book, please, contact us by email.

Please note, that authors were allowed to submit the manuscripts containing color graphics which (in some cases) cannot be properly represented in the printed book available only in grayscale version. For comparison you can download pdf version of Proceedings of the 23rd American Peptide Symposium.

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